With a Voicemail Guestbook your family and friends can leave a personal message to keep forever!
Just wait for the beep!

Planning a graduation party and want to create lasting memories? This is a perfect way to engage family and friends!
If you are a school administrator you could have students share Thank You's to their favorite teacher at an end of year celebration! ​Or...have incoming Freshman leave themselves a future message they can play back as Seniors!​

From weddings to birthdays, quinceaneras or baby showers, your guests will love sharing heartfelt message on our beautiful voicemail guestbook phones!
IDEA! Have grandparents read stories to their grandbaby so they can listen to them again and again!

Voicemails to heaven.
Capture heartfelt messages for eternity with our Voicemail guestbook. Perfect for celebrations of life, this unique service allows loved ones to record final farewells and reminisce on cherished memories, creating a lasting tribute.
Family members can read stories to children.
Have children 'interview' their grandparents.
Veterans can record stories to pass on for generations.
Long distance family can call into a remote number and record their messages to be included.
Freshman can record voicemails to their future selves for graduation
Elementary students can record thank you messages for their favorite teachers!

Choose a phone color
Choose from:
White antique
Red, pink or blue retro
Book your event:
$199 per event
$49 each additional day
Discounts available if a photo booth is also booked

Choose design option
If you have a table with space, we will bring the phone and signs at no cost.
*Discounts for multi-day events such as bridal shower + rehearsal dinner + wedding

Pick any extras
Audio Engineering - to reduce background noise - $99
Remote call in numbers - $149-$219
Vinyl Record - $299
Cassette Tape - $149
How does it work?
Our team will set up the phone before the event with a professional recording in place.
The best location is close to an entrance for visibility but not close to the DJ so the messages can be heard clearly. We can help pick the best location!​
Guests lift the receiver wait for the beep, leave a message, then simply hang up!
If guests mess up, they can hang up and try again! We can remove unfinished messages​
After the event, our team will pick up the phone and leave you with a USB drive filled with loving messages! We will also send a backup digital file after removing any incomplete messages.​